Daniel Elias Froggett, PM
Daniel Elias Froggett is originally from Center, Kentucky, and has lived in Northern Virginia since graduating college in 2002. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Georgetown College, a master’s degrees in business administration from the University of Maryland, and is all but dissertation for a doctorate from Grand Canyon University. Froggett was initiated March 8, 2007, in Alexandria – Washington Lodge, passed October 1, 2007, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on November 17, 2007. He is an affiliate member of John Blair Lodge, No. 187, where he served as Worshipful Master in 2017, leading a successful Lodge consolidation with Henry Knox Field Lodge, No. 349. He served as master of the consolidated Lodge in 2018. Froggett served as Worshipful Master of AW22 in 2020 and became a Life Member in Perpetuity in 2022. He currently resides in Springfield, Virginia, and is a Senior Advisor and Acting Unit Chief in the Office of the Executive Director of the Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute.