The Square and Compasses

by Bro. Rob Swanson, Lodge Education Officer

The Square is an interesting tool, not only is it the Jewel of the Master of the Lodge, but it is an important implement. The Square is a symbol of Morality and honesty. It forms a 90-Degree angle which is also known as a right angle. It is called right angle because this is the angle needed for a stone to be used in building an upright and stable wall. The right angle is also commonly referred to as the 4th part of a circle. The circle is symbolic of deity, as it represents perfect proportions and accuracy, the only perfect being is the Supreme Architect of the Universe.

The Square has been seen as representing the earth. As Wilmshurst suggests the quadrangular portion of the lamb skin is also representative of the Physical world, so too is the Square.

From reading Albert Pike’s Esoterika I gained the following understanding: the Square represents humanity, flesh, earth, the physical world. This is also why in the Entered Apprentice Degree both points of the Compasses are hidden from us, or rather hidden by the physical fleshly world, symbolized by having both points of the compasses hidden underneath the Square. It is only after we learn to subdue our passions as an Entered Apprentice that one of the points of the Compass is revealed from under the square. Thus, indicating that we have begun the processes of removing from our minds the impediments in life, and graft onto it useful Knowledge instead. Understanding it thus, it makes sense that when we enter Freemasonry the celestial/spiritual side of Masonry is yet hidden by the world. We have to work using the Gavel to break off the parts of our mind that impede us. This is not an overnight process, and can take many years, which is where the lesson of the 24-inch Gauge comes into play. We must divide our time and our pursuits. It is a marathon, not a sprint, and racing headlong into the unknown, without the proper time and training can be perilous.

The Compasses represent the heavens, and so the compasses circumscribe our physical passions & desires with the morality of the heavens. Further as we attain the Master Mason Degree both points of the Compasses are laid bare, an indication that our Minds are now suitably reformed for the pursuit of the more Spiritual aspects of building our personal Temple of the mind, symbolized by having both points of the compass now laid over the Square.

Of interesting note, if the square is the fourth part of a circle, and a circle is drawn by a Square only, then it indicates also that we ourselves are part of a greater whole, and only by divesting our minds in the pursuit of Light, can we hope to rejoin the Heavens above, thereby fitting our right angle, into puzzle that is deity.