Granville Clayton “Jack” Canard, Jr., PDDGM

Granville Clayton “Jack” Canard, Jr., PDDGM

Secretary Emeritus

Full name: Granville Clayton Canard, Jr.

When and where born: Washington, D.C. (Sibley Hospital) June 19, 1940.

Names of mother and Father:

Mother: Margaret Virginia Gray.

Father: Granville Clayton Canard, SR.

Birthplace of mother and father:

Mother: Alexandria, Virginia.

Father: The Plains, Fauquier County, Virginia.

When married and to whom: Single, never married.

Names of children and birth years: No children.

Residence address in Alexandria area:

Current address: 5501 Seminary Road, Apt. 1903-S, Falls Church, VA 22041-3910
This is a condo in the Skyline Square Condominiums at Bailey’s Crossroads.
Have lived in Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church through out the years.

Education Information:

Attended Woodrow Wilson Elementary School – 1946-1952, Stratford Junior High School – 1953-1955, and Washington-Lee High School – 1956-1958 all located in Arlington County, Virginia.

Obtained two-year College Certificate at University of Northern Kentucky – 1975

Completed Command & General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas – 1977

Religious affiliations: Methodist.


Started as a Journeyman Electrician, Local 26, IBEW – 1959. Worked up to Master Electrician in 1965.

Military service:
  • Joined the District of Columbia Army National Guard – 1957 – Served E1 to E5.
  • Attended National Guard Officer Candidate School, graduated 1961.
  • Commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army National Guard, Corps of Engineers – 1961.
  • Entered on Active Duty, Army of the United States, as a reserve officer – 1965
  • Served, Active Duty, US Army Corps of Engineers, 20 years – retired Colonel, Grade 06 – 1985
Occupations Continued:
  • Following Military Service, worked for the Circuit Court of Prince Georges County, MD as a Court Administrator (Collections Officer) – 1985-1995.
  • Worked for the Federal Government as a Facilities Management Officer – 1995-2004
  • Started enjoying Retired Status in 2004, but, then took on the job of full time Secretary, Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, in January 2006. Served as Secretary 2006 – 2008 and again 2017- 2020.
Special hobbies or pastimes:

Computer Programming and Golf.

Other Masonic memberships:
  • Alexandria-Washington Lodge #22, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Honorary Member, Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 120, Alexandria, Virginia
  • Honorary Member, Liberty Lodge, Beverly, Massachusetts.
  • Honorary Member, Constitutional Lodge No. 294, Beverley, England, UK.
  • A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research #1949, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Valley of Alexandria, Orient of Virginia, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.
  • Shenandoah Valley Scottish Rite Club, Woodstock/Winchester, Virginia.
  • Blue Ridge Scottish Rite Club, Culpeper/The Plains, Virginia.
  • The Royal Order of Scotland, Provincial Grand Lodge of the United States of America.
  • Mount Vernon Royal Arch Chapter No. 14, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia.
  • Triangle Council No. 3, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the District of Columbia. Merged with Washington Council No. 1, Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the District of Columbia.
  • Old Dominion Commandery No. 11, Knights Templar in Virginia, Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America.
  • Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor, Virginia Chapter of this Sovereign Order.
  • Washington and Lee York Rite College No. 93, York Rite Sovereign College of North America.
  • Virginia Council No. 12, Grand Council, Knight Masons of the United States of America.
  • Martha Washington Chapter #42, Order of the Eastern Star, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • KENA Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Oasis of Manassas, Virginia.
  • KENA Temple, Legion of Honor, Manassas, Virginia.
  • KENA Temple, Golf Club, Manassas, Virginia.
  • Old Dominion Chapter No. 364, National Sojourners Incorporated, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Saigon Chapter No. 409, National Sojourners Incorporated, Saigon, Vietnam.
  • Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Heroes of ’76, National Sojourners, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia.
  • The Scottish Rite Research Society
Special Masonic recognitions:
  • 33º Inspector General Honorary, The Supreme Council, 33º Of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States (1999)
  • KCCH – Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, Alexandria Valley, Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction (1993).
  • KYCH – Knight of the York Cross of Honor, Rose of Sharon Priory No. 2 of Virginia (1997)
  • LOH – Legion of Honor, International Order of DeMolay (1996).
Masonic Leadership positions held:
  • District Deputy Grand Master, District 1-A in Virginia (2000).
  • Venerable Master, Alexandria Lodge of Perfection, Alexandria Valley, Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction (1998).
  • Commander, Light Horse Harry Lee Camp, Heroes of ’76, National Sojourners (1995).
  • Commander, Old Dominion Commandery #11, Knights Templar of Virginia (1993).
  • President, Old Dominion Chapter No. 364, National Sojourners, Inc. (2019-2020)
  • High Priest, Mt Vernon Royal Arch Chapter #14, RA Masons of Virginia (1994).
  • Worshipful Master, Alexandria-Washington Lodge #22, AF&AM of Virginia (1992 – 133rd Master).
  • Director & 2nd Vice President, Virginia DeMolay Foundation, Inc. (2000 to 2002).
  • Chairman, DeMolay Advisory Council, Alexandria-Washington Chapter, International Order of DeMolay (1992-1996).
  • Chapter Advisor, Alexandria-Washington Chapter, International Order of DeMolay (1989-1995).
Highlight of year as Worshipful Master:

There were many highlights during the year but the ones that still stand out fresh in my mind some sixteen years later are summarized as follows.

On December 23, 1991, while making a trip to Richmond to coordinate for the upcoming Grand Annual Communication, several brothers who accompanied me, stopped to visit our two residents in the Masonic Home which were Ms. Beatrice Robinson, and Brother Phil Persiani. This was a very memorable visit. Later in the year on September 13th, a few of the members of the Lodge joined me in making another visit to the Masonic Home to have a picnic with our members. Ms. Robinson had since passed away but, we had a very enjoyable day with Brother Phil.

On February 22nd, we held the George Washington Birthday Celebrations with entertainment by “The Singing Cedars” in the auditorium. A number of Past Grand Masters were in attendance from the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association which held the conference of Grand Masters during the same time period. I had the pleasure as Worshipful Master to welcome the Grand Masters at the opening session of their conference.

On March 5th, several of the officers of the Lodge joined me in making a Fraternal Visit to Washington Lodge No. 21, New York City during their 192nd Birthday Celebration. The Lodge was the first Lodge chartered in the country to take the Name of George Washington after his death in 1799, the charter date being March 5, 1800. Several of the Lodge officers joined me again on March 5, 2000, when I served as District Deputy Grand Master to visit the Lodge during their 200th Birthday Celebration.

During the Weekend of May 22nd thru 24th , The Lodge hosted a Fraternal Visit from Liberty Lodge, Beverly, Massachusetts. On Saturday, May 23rd, we had a called meeting and conferred the Master Mason degree on Brother Chester Claude Cook in the Replica Lodge Room, using the original Lodge furniture with the Masons from Liberty Lodge attending. Brother Cook is a Past Master Councilor of the Alexandria-Washington DeMolay Chapter. Later that evening, the entire group attended the West End Dinner Theatre for a dinner and show.

On October 10th , the Lodge held its Ladies Night at the West End Dinner Theatre with members of William L. Elkins Lodge No. 646 in attendance and saw the show – The King and I.

On October 13th , The officers of the Lodge and several of the Past Masters participated in the Reenactment of the White House Cornerstone Laying Ceremony, held on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the 200th anniversary. To be in such a ceremony was a tremendous honor, but, I was further honored by being allowed to carry, in the procession and to placing on the Altar, the “Holy Bible” which was used by Illustrious Brother George Washington when he was sworn in as President of the United States and has been used by five subsequent Presidents in their inaugurations. The Holy Bible, referred to as the Saints John Bible, is maintained by Saints John Lodge No.1, in New York City, and was brought to this special event at the request of the Grand Master of Masons in the District of Columbia. The Bible was placed on the Altar along with the George Washington Gavel, provided by Potomac Lodge #5, from Washington D.C. and the George Washington Trowel, provided by our Lodge. This was a most special occasion and one that I will remember for a long, long time. The Capstone Production Company captured the entire event on tape. The event was attended by more than 5,000 spectators.

On October 13th , twenty-six (26) visitors from Constitutional Lodge #294, Beverley, England, arrived to begin their week long visit with our Lodge members. The first event was a reception, at the Holiday Inn, which was enjoyed by all. On Wednesday, we took our English visitors on a tour of the Pentagon and had Lunch served to us in the Executive Dining Room which our visitors enjoyed very much. In the afternoon, I took a group in my van on a sightseeing tour of Skyline Drive. The foliage was at peak color and it was a most enjoyable trip. On Thursday, we made a visit to the British Embassy in the morning and had a Lodge meeting and Festive Board in the evening.

Special other recognitions:
  • Past District Deputy Grand Master, Masonic District 1A, Virginia
  • If deceased, when died and where buried; Not Applicable
  • Masonic membership of father and/or sons: None
  • (If you have a fully developed Biography, please send a copy of that)

Right Worshipful Granville Clayton Canard, Jr., also known as “Jack”, Past District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District 1A in Virginia, the 133rd Worshipful Master of the Lodge, was born in Washington, District of Columbia, in June 1940. One of four children born to Margaret Virginia Gray of Alexandria, Virginia and Granville Clayton Canard, Sr. of The Plains, Virginia, he has two Sisters, one ten years younger and one three years older and a brother two years younger. He also has a half brother ten years older born to his mother’s first marriage.

Jack grew up in Arlington, Virginia, attending Arlington Public Schools and graduating in 1958 from Washington-Lee High School. Already a member of the District of Columbia Army National Guard at the time of his high school graduation, joining the Guard in October 1957 at the age of seventeen, he immediately departed for Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky in June 1958. This was followed by Advance Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri until December 1958. Returning to Reserve status, in January 1959 Jack had already been working with his brother for some time as an Apprentice Electrician and had obtained his license as a Journeyman Electrician and joined Local 26 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in 1959. After working as an Electrician for six years and having obtained the rank of Captain in the National Guard, in 1965 Jack had the opportunity to apply to attend a Military Service School. In March 1966, he started the Engineer Officer Career Course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. While attending this course, he submitted an application for extended active duty as a Reserve Officer. His application being accepted, he entered on Extended Active Duty in September 1966.

Jack’s primary tours while on Active Duty included a tour in Korea 1966/67, Italy 1968, Vietnam 1969/70, Fort Belvoir, VA 1970-73, Germany 1973-76, Fort Knox, KY 1977-79, Washington, DC 1980-85. Jack retired in September 1985 as a Colonel, grade 06 with 20 years of Active Federal Service.

After his Military Service was completed, Jack followed a second career of Government Civil Service. From 1985 to 1995, Jack worked in the Circuit Court of Prince Georges County, Maryland. He served as a Collection Officer enforcing the collection of Fines, Court Costs, and Restitution in coordination with the Clerk of the Court, in cases that had been orders by judgment of the Court. In 1995, he took a job with the Federal Government as a Facilities Management Officer in the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Health and Human Services. Jack retired from his government civil service in 2004.

In January 2006, Jack became the Secretary of the Lodge where he served 2006 through 2008 and again 2017 thru 2020. He currently serves as Assistant Secretary and Secretary Emeritus.